Amazen - Responsive Affiliate & Classified Ads Blogger Template

Premium Template, Premium Version Free Download

Amazen is a professional affiliate shop and classified ads blogger template. It’s perfect for classified ads, selling affiliate products, books, online courses and even your own products. Amazen is a very fast and fully customizable blogger template which will allow you to create your own amazing design with your brand identity. Amazen has been optimized for all search engines to guarantee your business the best results online.

Amazen blogger template is modern and has lots of unique features that you won’t find in any other blogger template. All its features can be configured with a few clicks and without any coding knowledge. Sell more quickly and easily with Amazen blogger template.

How to Setup Amazen Blogger Template

1. Header Logo

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Header Logo (Image) gadget.


INFO: If you hide the logo, the website title will be displayed.

2. Header Menu

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Header Menu gadget.

Default Link Example: Features

SubLink Level 1 Example: _Level 1 “Before the Title add 1 underscore”

SubLink Level 2 Example: __Level 2 “Before the Title add 2 underscore”


INFO: Level 2 Links must be between or below level 1 links.

3. Header Bar

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Header Bar gadgets.

3.1. Nav Links

3.2. Social Links

Supported Icons: google, blogger, apple, amazon, microsoft, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, steam, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, discord, quora, tiktok, email, share, external-link

Shortcode: {getSocial}

INFO: An item with the shortcode must be added for the Gadget to work correctly.


4. Header ADS

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript, Image or AdSense > in the Header ADS section.


5. Intro Section

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > Image > in the Intro Section section.

NOTE: Only first 5 gadgets will be displayed.

Gadget Settings:

6. Product Section 1/2

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Product Section 1 or Product Section 2.

Shortcode: {getPosts} $results={Number of Results} $label={Your Label}

Label Options: Label Name or recent

What are Label Name?


7. Ads Between Product Section Gadgets

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript or AdSense > in the Product Section 1 or Product Section 2.

Shortcode: {ads}

Shortcode is required for HTML/Javascript gadgets.


8. Main Posts

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Main Posts/Blog Posts gadget.


8.1. 3 Columns

To change the style of the main posts to grid, go to Theme > Customize > Advanced > Products > 3 Columns > and change the value to 1.

8.2. Comments Settings

The comment settings are intuitive like never seen before. The shortcodes should be added in > Layout > Blog Posts > Comment Format.

Blogger Shortcode: $type={blogger}

Disqus Shortcode: $type={disqus}

Custom Disqus Shortcode: $type={disqus} $shortname={Your Shortname}

Facebook Shortcode: $type={facebook}

Facebook Custom Language: $type={facebook} $lang={Language Code}

Facebook Language Codes: en_US, es_ES, ar_AR, id_ID, th_TH, vi_VN, pt_BR, fr_FR, ru_RU, de_DE, it_IT

INFO: To use other languages you should check if it is supported by facebook. (Facebook Languages).


9. Table of Contents

This function is available for posts and pages and can be added easily via shortcode.

Shortcode: {getToc} $title={Table of Contents}

INFO: After adding a Shortcode apply the Bold style.


10. In-Article ADS on “Post Page”

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript, Image or AdSense > in the sections Post ADS 1 and Post ADS 2.


10.1. Move Ads to Inside The Post Content

ADS 1 Shortcode: $ads={1}

ADS 2 Shortcode: $ads={2}

INFO: After adding a Shortcode apply the Bold style.


11. Author Box

The widget receives the blogger profile informations automatically, As long as your profile is marked as public. The icons are displayed if there are links in the introduction.

Supported Icons: google, blogger, apple, amazon, microsoft, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, steam, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, discord, quora, tiktok, email, share, external-link

Blogger Settings: Go to

Find for Additional Information > Introduction > and add your description with HTML links.

HTML Link: <a href="Your Link Here">Icon Name</a>

HTML Link Example: <a href="">facebook</a>


12. Related Products

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Related Products gadget.

Shortcode: $results={Number of Results}


13. Social Icons on Sidebar

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > Link List > in the Sidebar section.

Supported Icons: google, blogger, apple, amazon, microsoft, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, steam, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, discord, quora, tiktok, email, share, external-link

Shortcode: {getSocial}

INFO: An item with the shortcode must be added for the Gadget to work correctly.


14. Product Gadget on Sidebar

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Sidebar section.

Shortcode: {getPosts} $results={Number of Results} $label={Your Label}

Posts Example:

15. Sidebar Ads

With this feature you will be able to display custom ads in the sidebar without the gadget style.

Shortcode: {ads}


16. Mailchimp Subscribe Form

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript > in the Sidebar or Footer sections.

Shortcode: {getMailchimp} $title={Gadget Title} $text={Gadget Text}

Gadget Attributes: The $title={} and $text={} attributes are optional.


16.1. How to Get The Mailchimp Subscribe Form URL?

You can get the link easily by following the steps below.

A – Create a free account on Mailchimp – Create Now 

B – After creating your account go to Audience > Signup forms > Form builder.

17. Footer ADS

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Add a Gadget > Image > in the Footer ADS section.

NOTE: Only first 2 gadgets will be displayed.

Gadget Settings:

18. About Section

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the About Section gadgets.

18.1. About Us

18.2. Social Icons

Supported Icons: google, blogger, apple, amazon, microsoft, facebook, facebook-f, twitter, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vk, stack-overflow, github, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, pinterest-p, twitch, steam, delicious, codepen, flipboard, reddit, whatsapp, telegram, messenger, snapchat, discord, quora, tiktok, email, share, external-link

Shortcode: {getSocial}

INFO: An item with the shortcode must be added for the Gadget to work correctly.


19. Footer Copyright

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Footer Copyright gadget.


20. Footer Menu

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Footer Menu gadget.


21. Cookie Consent

Access your blog Layout > and click on the Edit Icon > in the Cookie Consent gadget.

Shortcode: $ok={Button Text} $days={Expires Days}


22. Site Feed

Access your blog Settings > and go to Site Feed > Allow Blog Feed.


INFO: To {getPosts} Gadgets and Related Posts work normally, you must configure the site feed to “Full“.

{getProduct} $button={Buy Now} $price={100.00৳}

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